Our Services

Serious About Investing? So Are We.

“Intellectual integrity: the ability to view the world as it is, not as we would like it
to be.”
– Peter Drucker

Investing is serious business—especially when it comes to your serious money. Overreaction, hesitation and inaction can lead to poor results. That’s why you seek a capable, professional investment advisor.

At Callahan Capital Management, we strive to develop strategies recognizing your financial needs, goals, and tolerance for risk. We help you make sense of the financial markets. Our day-to-day management of your assets gives you time to enjoy life.

Our Investment Philosophies

  • Superior returns result from long-term strategy.
  • Market timing is not an investment strategy; stay invested for the long run.
  • Performance should be compared to meaningful benchmarks, and should be reported quarterly net of fees and expenses.
  • Investor risk tolerance should be identified, then regularly re-evaluated relative to market volatility.
  • Tax efficiency is critical in the management of taxable accounts.

Our Investment Process

We know that you are the “chairman of the board” when it comes to your investments. We serve as your CFO. Our investment management reflects your unique needs and expectations.

    We begin the process by learning all we can about you, your family, and your goals. We explain our three investment approaches—conservative, moderate and aggressive. Then we review the risks and rewards for you. We may also conduct a retirement plan analysis. We believe that your greatest risk is outliving your money.
    Once we know your preferences, we invest your money in either a diversified no load mutual fund portfolio or a separately managed account. We have access to money managers who specialize in tax-efficient investing and improving after tax returns. We screen every fund and manager we present. We take full discretion, but we make changes in your portfolio only if necessary. We work on a fee basis; you pay no commissions and no entry or exit fees on your mutual funds.
    Communication is critical to effective portfolio management. When you call us, we can calculate your exact performance for any time frame. Our quarterly performance reports detail your rate of return—net of fees and expenses—for the quarter, year-to-date, rolling 12 months and since inception. Our quarterly newsletter and audiotapes offer you information and insight. We continually adjust the cost basis of funds and provide capital gain and loss reports if needed. Once a year, we meet with you to review and reassess your needs. We are always accessible.